Monday, September 26, 2016

2:3 Comments: Critical media studies

1. "For example that since nominalists see people as individuals, there is no grouping or categorizing (which usually have bad consequences), but they also recognize people’s natural characteristics, so if the stronger kills the weaker, it’s okay because that’s what they were meant to do."

With this, do you mean that nominalism equals individualism? I feel that the second part in this sentence is in line with nominalism, but it would have been clearer to give some examples.

Reading your text, it seems like you've spent a lot of time exploring new concepts and understanding them - kudos for taking the time to do so. However, some of this researching process could have been left out from your text to shorten it down.

2. Kristina Nyberg25 september 2016 09:31
Although politics is not what the theme was about, I think your example of dialectic emphasizes that you have grasped this concept very well and applied it into a concrete and relevant example - well done!

3. Kristina NybergSeptember 25, 2016 at 10:05 AM
Your thoughts are well structured and the reflections made proves that you have not only grasped the concepts historically and philosophically, but also applied them into current and future situations. I especially like how you have linked nominalism into different times, the concrete examples also makes the concept easy to understand for someone that is unfamiliar with it. It also contributes to the text that you reconnect what was discussed in lecture and seminar; the part where ideologies and the historical perspective are included from class clarified a lot for me as well. All in all, a well written text.

4. Kristina Nyberg26. September 2016 um 02:41
The correlation between myth, mimesis and Enlightenment is explained very well. You have some work to do with grammar, sometimes it seems like it is written in a rush but content wise you are doing great. It was also nice to see a film reference, the Matrix indeed has some interesting parallels!

5. Kristina Nyberg26 September 2016 at 02:49
The following made me doubt whether or not you fully grasped the concept of Enlightenment as observing regularities was a part in this process, but maybe I misunderstood you:
"Observe regularity is for the human intervention impossible"

You however explained well how myth links to Enlightenment and I could easily link many concepts explained to the lecture.

6. Kristina Nyberg26 September 2016 at 11:55
I particularly enjoyed reading your application of the substructure and superstructure theory into current technology. WhatsApp and other voice recording chat services indeed have had some influence on the behavior. Google forecasts that voice search will increase in popularity as well.

7. Kristina NybergSeptember 26, 2016 at 6:59 AM

The allegory of the cave was a good contribution in class, but what I really liked about your text was how you demonstrated your understanding of the topic by applying it to religion. You mention Atheism as a result of changed superstructres. I saw once in a Swedish museum that there was a link to financial status and belief in God. So that when people were poorer, they had a need to "outsource worries" more than in society today where people have more money overall. Your view adds another intersting dimension to this.

To add something to improve. I had the feeling some typos could be avoided with a spell check, such as the sentence " We had a need to find our limits, ours boundaries, the example of climbing moutains or working on solving technical problem (boat on water - Titanic) has been made." where it should be "our boundaries" and "mountains" for example. Overall, however, content shows that you grasped the topic and have applied your knowledge to some really interesting examples. Thanks for the read!

8. Kristina Nyberg26 September 2016 at 07:07

Overall it seems like you have grasped the most important concepts by reading about how you reconnect this to your own words and class. I like how you analyzed your own post and pinpointed where you have made some corrections. As other commented, despite this I had a feeling there were some concepts you may have slightly misunderstood such as thesis, antithesis and synthesis. I also think for future reflections, it could add an interesting dimension if you would try to apply the theory into your own real life examples - such as news items, technologies today etc. Overall it is clear that you spent much time and effort on learning though, kudos for that!

9. Kristina Nyberg26 september 2016 07:16

What I appreciated a lot with reading your text was your use of time therein. You have an invisible timeline when you write, it reads nicely mostly. There are some exceptions though. Introduction could have been better. You could have focused on your questions and how you misunderstood these at the end, in a reflection. I think the reflections added are solid and food for thought though. Theory is just one tool of many to make sense of the world we live in. It reconnects to knowledge which we discussed previously. The connection point with technology is also a good one to spin further on, and also when technology changes the substructure and not the superstructure? Overall, thanks for a nice read.

10. Kristina Nyberg26 september 2016 07:26

The historical aspect also helped me, especially with Benjamin that pre-second world war criticised fascism. Nominalism is indeed interesting as a concept to discuss. Another question is whether there is any meaning of life if you apply nominalism, and would there be any overlap with buddhism where you want to remove the "meaning of life" or other ideologies/religions.

The refugee link made me think of how human beings like to organize stuff into categories. When it happens with human beings, it rarely leads to anything good - take the second world war as example.

To recommend improvements, I think you could have added some more structure to your text. Tell them what you are going to tell them in the introduction, then tell them (body) and tell them what you told them (conclusion). Other than that, nice reflection points.

1 comment:

  1. Original post which published correctly whereas here it didn't:
